Saturday, January 9, 2010


Okay, so today I did my first official "big" shopping trip for my new blog! I shopped, I took notes, I compared prices, I had an overflowing cart, I checked out, then I LOST MY RECEIPT!!! I mean, seriously...first day and I'm already screwing up? Where is my head?

Thankfully, Whole Foods is awesome. I called them up when I got home and explained to them that I had just been there shopping and I couldn't find my receipt and asked if there was any way to get another one printed out and they said that wasn't a problem and it will be waiting at the customer service desk tomorrow! Yay Whole Foods!

Now, the bill is going to be SHOCKING...especially considering this is supposed to be a blog on how feeding a large family mostly organic foods isn't all that expensive and you don't have to eat crap all the time just because you don't have a ton of money. Keep in mind that this is a learning curve for me as well! lol Tonight I spent...oh my goodness, I don't even want to type it...I spent about $485 on two weeks worth of groceries. I know...flog me now and get it over with.

Seriously though, I do have a reasonable least I think it is, and it's my blog so I get to deem what is reasonable and what isn't! We semi recently moved across state. I didn't want to take the space or spend the money to have a lot of my food moved, so I tossed out or gave away A LOT of the stuff in my kitchen, including all of my oils, a lot of my bulk goods, etc. We also didn't have a fridge in the house we moved into. We just got a fridge a few weeks ago. Today was actually the first day that I made a shopping trip that filled the fridge. Because we didn't have a fridge, I wasn't making very good meals, so I never got around to replacing a lot of the things I left behind in San Diego. Tonight's trip included purchasing a number of things that I usually have in my fridge or pantry already. When you already have things, it makes your shopping trips cost a lot less. I'm slowly rebuilding my stash of staples in the kitchen.

We won't mention the few extra splurges that I threw in that I don't normally purchase. lol

So anyways, tomorrow, after I get back from Whole Foods, I'll give you a run down of what I bought, how much it cost and what I plan to do with it! I have a feeling the kids aren't going to like a few meals in the next couple of weeks, but they may just surprise me! Crossing my fingers for that!

1 comment:

  1. oh crap, I just lost my whole post. My kids really surprised me today. They've always been veggie kids but today, when I was making my smoothie, 3 of them were there and they asked if they could taste the lettuce (ie. spinach). I gave them each a leaf and sent them on their way. All 3 of them came back multiple times to steal more spinach leaves. Later, Tim was cutting up cucumbers and Micah wouldn't leave him alone. He wanted to keep eating them and I couldn't keep the girls fingers out of my salad. I wanted to eat the cucumbers and only got 3 or so. Your kids may surprise you. They are used to the stuff you make them. I can't imagine it's going to be that different, is it?
