Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Moroccan Tagine with Spring Vegetables

Another wonderful recipe from Vegan with a Vengeance. Seriously, go get this book! lol

It's a delicious stew full of spices, vegetables and lentils. I actually used more of the vegetables than called for in the recipe, but that's just how I roll. ;) This was really hit and miss with my kids. Some loved it. Some took a bite and decided they'd rather not eat dinner. My husband and I both liked it so much that we had the leftovers for lunch today. (We're really not a leftovers kind of family. Food usually gets eaten or thrown away. I need to figure out how to make leftovers not seem so...leftoverish.) I really need to remember to take pictures of the food I cook!

Total for the meal that fed everyone (or would have if they had eaten it) and left enough for lunch for two adults: $29.82

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